2006-2007 Season

A Muse in Love

Adapted from William Shakespeare by Allegra Libonati
September-October 2006 on the Lakefill at Northwestern University

Production Team
Director: Julie Ritchey*
Executive Producer: Mark Barna*
Stage Manager: Lauren Robinson
Costumes: Kristy Leigh Hall
Set: Ali McKegney
Music Director: Kirby Hall

Puck: Brandon Cloyd
Benedick/Orlando/Orsino/Demetrius: Reggie Gowland*
Claudio/Silvius/Lysander/Romeo: Christian Libonati*
Hero/Phebe/Olivia/Hermia/Juliet: Sarah Mayhan
Beatrice/Rosalind/Viola/Helena: Maureen Rohn
Madrigal Singers: Kirby Hall (Soprano), Emily “Nemmils” Smith (Alto), Phil Curtis (Tenor), Bryan Young (Bass)
Understudy: Julie Ritchey*

Our fall run of A Muse in Love was followed by a four month tour to Northshore Retirement Communities.  The entire cast and production team remained the same for this tour.

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