Support Filament Theatre | Filament Theatre
photos by Joe Mazza/bravelux and Rudy Scheider


You make it possible! Support Filament today to ensure that thousands of Chicago children connect with the arts through free, low-cost and high-quality Filament education programs and plays.

Will you help us raise $5000 by the end of the year to ensure our future?


Make a One-Time Gift, Get Early Access to FORTS!
When you make a donation at any amount this July, you’ll automatically qualify for early access to December FORTS tickets and party packages before they go on sale to the general public!


Public support for education and the arts are in jeopardy more and more each day. At Filament, we’re more committed than ever to prioritizing families, centering young voices, bridging educational programming with the arts, and creating spaces for intergenerational play. When we say we can’t do it without you, we mean it.

Thank you for supporting Filament Theatre! Filament Theatre is a 501(C)3 Non-Profit Charitable Organization, which means
we rely on public support in order to operate and any profit we make goes back into the community

Over 50% of our income comes from donations from individual, foundation, corporate, community, and government support. That means all the money we make from ticket sales and our education programs only makes up for half of the money we need to keep the lights on.

It has never been harder to make theatre as a non-profit organization; but it has never been more important to invest in community, resilience, and optimism for children. Your gift keeps our lights on, our artists paid and our big bold work with families happening in your neighborhood!

As the only Chicago theater creating theater for young people with young people, we are reaching out for your help. Every single person matters to our future – especially you. 

About Filament Theatre: Filament imagines a world where young people are the experts and adults are allies as we work to build a more just world. At Filament, the word PLAY is both a noun and a verb. The audience joins in the play-ing at every step, from family workshops and pre show games to the performances themselves. Filament’s unique production process welcomes young people into the room as essential collaborators, which makes our plays both relevant and revolutionary. Everything you see at Filament was created with help from young people! Filament is a leader in the field of Theatre for Young Audiences and is a sought after partner for organizations looking to increase their connection to family audiences.


years in our beautiful Portage Park theater
people served each year
students reached
world premiere productions (and counting!)
25+ non-profit and community groups partner with Filament including: Chicago Public Libraries, Friends of the Forest Preserves, Lydia Home, St. Louis Symphony, University of Illinois Chicago, and more.
Our 2024 fundraising progress:
% of our goal raised 70%
years in our beautiful Portage Park theater
people served each year
students reached
world premiere productions (and counting!)
25+ non-profit and community groups partner with Filament including: Chicago Public Libraries, Friends of the Forest Preserves, Lydia Home, St. Louis Symphony, University of Illinois Chicago, and more.

Learn more from past Youth Collaborators about what makes Filament’s process different:

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