Filament_BobDylanBash_2018 (1)

You are cordially invited to the 6th annual Bob Dylan Birthday Bash.

Committee Chairs: Tom & Suzy Jackson
Committee Members: Jill Arena, Karen Thrash, Cathy Burkhardt, Ted Burkhardt, and Philip Schwartz

Saturday May 19, 2018
7:00 pm

Buy Tickets

Featuring the musical talents of:

Los Cool Shades
Robin & Jenny Bienemann
Dave & Jodi Walker
Naomi Ashley
Robin, Jenny, Jodi, Dave, Naomi
Rob & the Representatives
Tom Henniger & Sam Barzano
Tory Lopez
Rachel Drew & Gerald Dowd
Ary Jeebie & Ellis Clark

Proceeds benefit Filament Theatre’s arts education programs.

VIP Tables of 4 & Host Tables of 4 are available for people who want an extra helping of cake and party favors (and to make an extra tax deductible donation to Filament Theatre).